Friday 10 September 2010

Niz Goenkar - By Diogo Lazarus Pereira

To mozo boro ixtt, ani ti moji bori ixttin
Dogainkui tankam anv polletam bore dixttin
Ti nesta skirt ani blouse ani to nesta zontor
Punn tanchea modem anv koslich korinam ontor
Tichem nanv Maria and tachem nanv Gopi
Tisro mozo ixtt Abdul, mateak galta dovi topi
Eok Kristanv, eok Hindu and eok Musolman
Punn anv tankam sogleank eok-sarko ditam man
Goenkar ami sogle ek, kallzam amchim udar
Atam Goeant bitor soleat raupi munis Ghanttar
Amcheam montreanim tankam ugttem kelam dar
Amchea Goeant evun amcheruch marunk sodtat far
Amcho ekvott samballunk fuddem sorla amcho “Niz Goenkar”
Taka amcho ghott tenko divunk sogle soroia mukar


diogofichardo said...

Deve borem kurom Lazar Bab ani Menino (Niz Goenkar}. It is true to heart no one can deny the situation in Goa. These Ghanttar take the lives of Goans backed by our Montris. Unity is a must among all Goans putting differences aside..

Saturnino said...

DLP Bab, vhodli khoxi bhogta gomon ki tum eok boro Kovi munnon. Bori Kovita, sogleanim vachpachi, kallzantlean.

dlp said...

Mojea bhavani ani niz Goenkar Diogo ani Saturnino... Tumkam chodd Dev Borem Korum maka vakanddat nhunn. Punn, anv aiz vhodd upkari zavun assa Meninacho, kiteak tannem amkam zagrut kelea hea ghanttiank bhair marpak, je amchea montreamchea adaran amchea Goeant evun amkanch bhair marunk sodtat. Anv atam chinta ek novem "Newspaper" ugddapem korpak. Anv taka nanv diupak sodtam "Ghantti - the ex-Herald". Maka tor konn bonnkonint galunk chintit zalear mozo advodag Viegas (todde poixe gatleat anvem tachea bolsant sodeak) maka kainch nuim korun bhair kaddtolo.

Joao said...

Hi Diogo, brilliantly written. I have read it perhaps more than a dozen times. When I read I always try to imagine in what state of mind the writer was when writing. What inspired him to write something that binds people after reading. While I read my mind forms a picture and in it I see people of different religion, caste and creed but they are all sons and daughters of the land and they all live in Unity. Thank you for this lovely and inspirational poem. With Niz Goenkar we are moving forward. The number of Niz Goenkars are growing by the hour and the day is not far when our dream of redeeming Goa to its former glory come true. I pray to The Almighty God to give courage and strength to all who voice their concern for our Goa on Niz Goenkar. May The Good Lord give courage,strength and shower His blessings on Mr.Menino de Valpoi to carry on this good work. God Bless you Diogo and may God Bless us all. Viva Goa ! Viva Niz Goenkar !!

dlp said...

Mr. Joao... Thank you so very much for your appreciation and comment. I guess you are like me because when I read something, say a novel or just a children's story book, I read it again and again and I can see the real characters on the screen of my mind as if I am watching a film. That gives you a feeling of being there and being one of the characters. When we were commenting on the forum and there were many discussions and arguments about religion, it just transpired me there and then to write that poem. It came deep from within my heart and I immediately posted it on the forum and within minutes our dear Menino published it. I have asked Menino several times to start a page for English poetry but I know he is a busy man. Now with the unexpected response to the Niz Goenkar blog, I know he is having sleepless nights. I have spoken to him many times and I can recognize the tiredness in his voice when we speak. God Bless Menino, God Bless Niz Goenkar and God Bless us all. Many thanks again Joao and take care.

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